Nuestros Entrenamientos



Projects Completed

«Training is the key to bridging the gap between wanting and being able»  Anonymous

We are inspired to see you grow. That’s why we develop and execute specialized training and coaching programs tailored to your business and professional development needs that drive the transformation and improvement of the organization, its culture and its people

de Entrenamiento

«El entrenamiento es la clave para acortar la brecha entre el querer y el poder» – Anónimo

Nos inspira verte crecer. Por eso desarrollamos y ejecutamos programas de entrenamiento y capacitación especializados y adaptados a tus necesidades de formación empresarial y profesional, que impulsen la transformación y el mejoramiento de la organización, su cultura y su gente.


Our Product

Project Management Training

We create training plans for project management teams, in order to strengthen the knowledge and competencies necessary for the optimal performance of their work. We adapt to the schedules and business contexts of our clients, to offer a fully customized proposal, framed in the following thematic lines:

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Digital Transformation Training.

According to Google Trends, in the last two years the search interest in digital transformation and concepts such as digitalization and digital marketing has grown exponentially. Likewise, terms such as ‘big data’, ‘business intelligence’, ‘artificial intelligence’, ‘analytics’, among others, have become recognized, but few have discovered how to use them to bring more value to their businesses.

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Entrenamiento en Gerencia de proyectos
Entrenamiento en Transformación Digital

Receive personalized consulting,
according to the needs of your business.

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Federación Nacional de Cafeteros

Entrenamiento en gestión de proyectos PMI & Marco lógico 2016-2017

success stories

Federación Nacional de Cafeteros

PMI Project Management Training & Logical Framework 2016-2017

Strategic points


We design customized training programs based on the specific needs of each client.

Best practices

We transfer knowledge on best practices that can be implemented in the client’s business.

Practical and Experiential

We focus on know-how to ensure that business results are maximized.

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