Entrenamiento en Transformación Digital

Digital transformation training

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what we do

According to Google Trends, in the last two years the search interest in digital transformation and concepts such as digitalization and digital marketing has grown exponentially. Likewise, terms such as ‘big data’, ‘business intelligence’, ‘artificial intelligence’, ‘analytics’, among others, have become recognized, but few have discovered how to use them to bring greater value to their businesses.

Kap has expert staff that will teach companies how to extract the full potential of these trends, applying them to their businesses, in order to achieve better business results.
For this, we focus on:

– Creative and innovation processes: Methodology for the generation of ideas, products and services.

– Business modeling: Business Model Canvas.

– Technologies that support digital transformation, so that companies make this process part of their DNA.

how we do it

1. We make organizations aware of their beliefs about what digital transformation IS and IS NOT.
2. We analyze the organization and work on the formation of a new agile thinking belief, required for digital transformation.
3. We guide our clients on best practices for innovation and ideation and teach them the right way to apply them in their business.
4. We develop dynamics of creation and creativity for the evolution of the business model.

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